Tuesday, March 28, 2006

To move or not to move? That is the question!

Well there is a possibility that I will be moving to Caronport (Saskatchewan) this summer. I have been seriously trying to decide what to do for the past month.

There are a lot of pros to moving:
- Dallas will be with me when I take my classes
- Dallas will be able to attend a free public Christian school (no more tuition- yay!)
- I will be able to start a new life in a new place (a place where I have not grown up in and not a lot of people know my past experiences)
- We will be able to live in a safe environment - virtually no crime where you don't have to lock your doors, and Dallas can roam the town and I wouldn't have to worry about him being kidnapped, etc.
- We can live in a bigger place (either a duplex or a trailer)
- We will be able to attend a new church - where ordinary people 'fit' in, where small groups are a fun priority
- I have friends there in the seminary
- I can concentrate on my studies more by being away from distractions (Basically the city - Walmart, etc)
- I will basically be moving towards COMMUNITY within my school, town and church. I will no longer be an island unto myself here in Saskatoon

There are also some cons:
- Dallas will have to move schools (he doesn't do well with transitions)
- I will no longer have subsidized rent (I pay $100 a month here and down there I would pay between $400 and $500).
- Caronport will be living in a bubble - and I have lived in a Bubble before and when you come out of it - it isn't pretty.
- to solve my not fitting at my church - I could just simply just change churches here in Saskatoon. I can go to a more friendly and open church where there is no judgment or excellence.

This is my dilemma that I have been working through the past few weeks - and am just able to post it. I have applied for an internship and I have an interview next Tuesday - so if anyone would pray that it will go well for me (not nervous) that would be awesome!

1 comment:

Spin Original said...

Choices are always difficult, especially one that effects your whole life. Moving would be good considering you have felt so unsettled for so long. However, what happens when you are done school? Will you still want to stay in that "bubble" life? As good as bubbles are (I have been in plenty and I still consider myself to be in one) there needs to be reality as well. Maybe before you make the big decision, you should check out other churches in Saskatoon and see how it goes. Weigh all the options to the best you can, and, most importantly, PRAY! Listen for God's voice even in the small stuff. Keep your eyes and ears open. God has a great future in store for you and Dallas. Trust Him to show you where it is.
Love you!!!